Friday, January 7, 2011

Day 7 - Progress Report

My goal this week was to exercise 6 days.  I met my goal.  My total exercise time this week was just shy of 9 hours.  Not bad. 

Next week my goal is to incorporate strength training into my schedule 2 days out of the week for 30 minutes or more.  My diet goal is to eat sugar no more than twice during the week.

I haven't noticed my clothes fitting looser, but do have more energy.  A month ago I was thinking about how often I used to work out and couldn't fathom mustering up the energy to workout 12 or more hours a week.  Now I can.  In just 7 days, exercise has become something I look forward to again rather than an absolute chore. 

On the downside, I fell off the diet wagon a bit Wednesday.  There was some See's peanut brittle in the office, and I ate it.  Not a whole lot, but I should have avoided it altogether.  And then in the spirit of eating whatever I wanted, I ate too many chips before dinner when I met a friend at a Mexican restaurant.

Work is not pleasant for me right now.  The actual work is fine, it's just that there's not enough of it.  Week after week, I am promised that there will be more to do and then in reality there isn't.  I was up in the office three days this week, and barely had enough to keep me busy.  There's also some conflict amiss that I need to deal and am not sure how.  I think this frustration and uncertainty is leading me to eat while I'm in the office....or afterwards over Mexican food with friends.  Ugh.

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