Friday, April 1, 2011

Day 91 - March in Review

I've been eating primal/paleo for 12 days.  Except for the occasionally crunchy and salty snack cravings, I'm pretty much in auto drive.  Day 8 was a cheat day, but instead of cheating all day, I ate paleo during the day and then went out to dinner with friends.  Unfortunately the fish tacos I ordered were pathetic, so dinner was little more than raw cabbage, soft corn tortillas, and about 2 ounces of fish.  I ate a few bites of tiramisu as well, and that consituted "cheating" for a while.  Yesterday at work I ate a serving of pretzels.  They called to me, and I could not resist. 

I have not rid my diet completely of sweet treats.  I mix either maple syrup or raw honey into my greek yogurt as "dessert."  Sometimes I'll eat a date with peanut butter as a treat even though peanut butter is on the paleo hit list. 

Sciatica in my right hip is still bothering me.  I am sick of it. 

I'm up to 102.5 hours of exercise since the first of the year.  I took 5 rest days in March.  I try to work in at least 2 circuit/strength training sessions per week plus 2-3 interval cardio workouts.  I recently started incorporating a light workout day once a week.  I still put in the time on that day, but I do light to moderate aerobic activity along with swimming and/or stretching.  My body feels less tired since working that one light day into my schedule. 

I've lost a clothing size.  I'm happy about that but can't help feel like my weight loss should be more dramatic.  That said, even at this slow rate, I should be able to drop 5 sizes by 2012, assuming that as I get closer to my goal weight, a size reduction will equal 10 or 15 lbs rather than 20.

A woman at work started dieting at the same time and has lost more than I have.  That's frustrating.  She had more to lose, but not much more.  She's putting in a fraction of the exercise I am.  Pretty sure her main diet goal was to cut out fast food, junk food, some carbs, etc.  She likes her burgers and fries.  Lots of diet soda too.  I know I should take my own victory for what it is and be good with that.  Still, it's easy to be discouraged.

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