Saturday, May 14, 2011

Day 134 - Leg Strength, Knee Pain, Gin, and Pasta

This was not a great week.  Not a great last couple of days.  Yesterday was good on carbs, but other days, not so much. 

I ate french fries and a burger Thursday night.  Attended a tasting at a small spirits distillery, and drank the equivalent of about 4 shots, maybe more.  Woke up in the middle of the night with knee pain that persisted through the next day.  Inflammation. 

A a positive note, I did intervals on the elliptical yesterday, which I haven't done in about a month, and noticed a significant change in leg strength.  I don't do straight intervals on the elliptical.  My workout goes soemthing like this:   3 minute warm up, 1 minute sprint, 2 minute recovery, 2 minutes high level 8 steps forward and 8 steps back so forth so on, recovery, sprint, back and forward steps, etc.  Up until a month ago, I was setting my forward and back step interval at level 8.  But yesterday, level 8 was too easy.  I bumped it up to 10 but felt even that might have been too low.  What this means is that my legs have gotten significantly stronger, as have my glutes.  Always a good thing. 

I'm ready to cut out the carbs again.  Make it thorugh a week without falling off the wagon.  No cheating at the office or in restaurants while traveling.  See if I can go 7 or 8 days in a row. 

My goal is to eat no grains or starches until next Monday, May 23.  Eight days straight.

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