Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day 2 - The Jolly Myth

Who came up with the notion that fat people are jolly?  Have you ever met a jolly fat person?  I have not.  Most fat people I know are disgruntled with their bodies, and this disappointment pervades their persona, to varying degrees.  They may be happy overall, but they are not jolly.  Some are far from it.  I have met angry fat people, mean fat people, funny self-deprecating fat people, sarcastic, chipper, cynical, sad, shy, disappointed, friendly and fearful fat people.  Never jolly.

That said, I'm not sure I've met a skinny or average weighted or only slightly overweight jolly person either.  Maybe the term jolly has lost something with age.  Maybe by association with Jolly Ole' St. Nick, it has become bigger than life, bigger than Webster's, bigger than fat even.

I am not jolly.  I am slightly cynical, optimistic about some things and deeply pessimistic about others, and I am restless to my very core.  But jolly I am most certainly not.

The thing is, I like me.  I like everything about me except for my fat.  I like my height, my laugh, my face, my breasts, my feet, my hands, my lips, my intellect.  I even like the less savory aspects of my personality like my impatience and my pessimism because everything contributes to the whole.  I am who I am.  But I do not like my fat, no sirree.

If I could lose this fat once and for all, I just might be jolly after least for a day.

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